With Jean-Paul II, in december 1979.With the abbot Pierre.With Pierre Parodi and an cistercian abbot, in Rome (1962)With a father Abbot.In a street in Rome.Everywhere, carry his cross…With South American peasants.In Morocco, visiting Berber friends.
Bearer of a great project !Also knowing how to listen...Before a radio show.… And a look at the reader.A benevolent response...An autograph request.Who writes to me ?In front of the Flayssière fireplace.The body also speaks…Man of wisdom and speech.Expressions (4)Expressions (3)Expressions (2)Expressions (1)« My dear friends »…La Longuera, December 1980: one of Shantidas' last talks, a few days before his death.A conference in town.An attentive audience.Chat in the Borie-Noble park.