Conversion by logical constraint (Viaticum, Books V to VIII)

Lanza pursued his studies in philosophy in Pisa (1922-1923). Reflection on death and interest in mystics come up in books V to VII. He reads Descartes and Kant as well as Ruysbroeck and Dante. Catholicism annoys him but Marxism does not tempt him. Thanks to the Decades of Pompigny, he met great authors of that time, but it’s all about social honor. Finally, in September 1925, he discovered the living God in reading Saint Thomas Aquinas. Lanza accounts his own conversion in a magnificent text, where the search of his reason leads him to a wonder of faith -hence the title of the third Viaticum volume.
Conversion by logical constraint (Viaticum, Books V to VIII). Paris : Denoël, 1974. 159 pages
Par Lanza del Vasto.
Type d'ouvrage : Monograph.
Réédition(s) :Réed. dans Le Viatique I, 1991, p. 163-269.